Friday, May 21, 2010

What is the best software to use for web page design?

is dreamweaver any good?

are any of the adobe software for web page design any good?

What is the best software to use for web page design?
And I almost made it out of this addictive site lol...but had to answer this one cause I have tried all the main programs. I'll be glad to give you my opinion.

Several years ago I got beyond frustrated because I couldn't find any web design co that could create what I had in my mind. I decided to play with it myself rather than settle (not to mention keep paying huge amounts for inferior work). At the time I was moderately computer literate but not as good as I am now.

I tried all the biggies, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, and others that were more trendy at the time. I have a hands down favorite....FrontPage!

People tend to get snobby and say how Dreamweaver is better. This is what I found. If you are familiar with MS layout you will already know where most of the commands are in FP. Dreamweaver to me was a confusing mess where it would take 3 or 4 steps to do what I wanted that would be 1 step in FP. And contrary to what some folks say, FP lets you easily insert any java script, code or anything else you want to add.

As I got better at what I was doing I found I was using FP to just do the basic coding versus wasting hours doing it myself and adding all those special touches that really distinguish a site. It is super simple to use, there are TONS of really good tutorials and web sites that show you exactly how to add whatever you want.

I kept wanting to like Dreamweaver but now that I really know what I'm doing I STILL say it is cumbersome to use and just takes more time to do what you want. I would strongly suggest FrontPage. And if you use any of the templates PLEASE customize them with all your own art or folks will laugh at the site. Of course there are tons of templates that work in all editors if you need to start at that point. And for making buttons/graphics Ulead's PhotoImpact is IMHO the best out there. FP will let you easily do as much or as little work as you want to make a professional looking site. Hands down the choice to go to. Some snobs will put it down just to put MS down, but this is one program the got right!

ETA...I just had to add in a comment. Someone below said how if you tried for a job w/a web design firm they would want dreamweaver experience and not FP. First they would want to see what pages you have done. They would not care how you did them. 2nd, I own a company that hires web design companies for my clients and as I said I learned how to do this since I couldn't find one up to my standards. So I think the focus should be on 2 things...what program will help me make the best possible web sites and what program is the most user friendly. FP is my answer for both. BTW you can easily insert java, flash and any and all things with FP. I do it all the time. But try them both out and see what you think. Told you the dreamweaver users have a snobbery against FP. I don't care, all I care about are that my pages look the best out there!
Reply:i think frontpage is good....i never tried dream i guess ur gonna have to try everything u have....then choose the best...

good luck :)

don't forget to show us ur website when u publish it :)
Reply:Dreamweaver hands down, a previous post mentions frontpage, and how dreamweaver users are snobby about it lol, its confusing to begin with, but it is used as an industry standard for serveral reasons.

You can create much more proffesional web pages than with a lot of other editors.

I accept that it does occasionally take the long way round on some things, but it also creates "cleaner" code, which has less chance of getting errors.

More importantly, its a lot better if you want to integrate other languages such as PHP or Java.

Also, many many web hosts, will not accept frontpage extentions.

I think if you can get a trial of both dreamweaver and frontpage, start with dreamweaver, and give them both equal chance.

You must take your time to learn, but after all it is your choice.

Lastly, if, for example you wanted to apply for a job in web design, in a few years, they would ask for experience of Dreamweaver, photoshop, and flash. NOT frontpage!
Reply:I've heard Dreamweaver is great but I've never used it. If you have lots of experience with web page design, I would say that would be a good choice.

However, I thought DW was a bit complicated for the average computer user and I've used Microsoft Front Page. It is pretty self-explanatory and if you are familiar with MS Office programs already, that would help you catch on easier.

These videos are GREAT!

You can get them here --%26gt;

Oh and by the way they have a money back guarantee if you don't like it or whatever you can get a full refund within 60 days.

I know you won't look back though! :)



botanical garden

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