Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can you find a Web Design Progammer that you can TRUST?

And how can you know if they are reliable?? Iam having a hard time finding the right company to design my site, and someon of them say they are in the US but I know they are there a place I can see real revies for the compnies? Thanks!!

How can you find a Web Design Progammer that you can TRUST?
where the internet is concerned, physical location is not an important factor. quality of work *is*, because that's what you're paying for and the end result can be transmitted digitally anyways.

you would get the same quality of programming from a guy in india for a smaller cost than you would an american programmer.
Reply:i think it is better get someone near yr location for face to face discussion. I hv experienced communication/creditibility issues and in turn become costly. Worst, u may lost time, can't compensate at all. Report It

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